

Joined on 12/14/10

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EhoNo1's News

Posted by EhoNo1 - September 1st, 2011

Technicaly I havent posted the art yet, but I will as soon as I finish bloging. I am amazed on how my voting power is growing!!! I mean . . . ITS GROWING FAST!!! Already I have a votting power of 2.21 (or mabye its 2.01)! planning on doing a simple flash animation, I will find the SIMPLEST one on newgrounds, if its not simple enough, then I'll look on different sites for one.

Posted by EhoNo1 - August 31st, 2011

Third Art Post! (I know! I kida suck at drawing, but hey! Practic Makes Perfect!) (Basicaly I'm posting new ones almost every day. And the :D emoticon is going to be the only one I use during bloging, unless something happened.) I'm planning on drawing my cat Cleo next. When I'm done, I will post one of just her in drawing form, then i'll post another one with a side by side comparison of her and the drawing. (Hopfully New Grounds won't delete it!)

Posted by EhoNo1 - August 31st, 2011

Its my second art post! (The first one was removed because i couldn't find the creator.) I'd love to put it in this blog, but the picture editing software (I didn't edit this picture, I started from scratch) I use puts out the finished product in the wrong format for the blog. Tried to get some real life friends to join NewGrounds today, but I don't think they did (I'll post if they do). I'm going to post a peice of art I drew for my geography class, its a ninja star compass rose. (I hate how they seem to make you start over every year, its like they thing we have learned absolutley nothing last year.) I will post it as soon as I get are scanner to scan to something correctly (it usualy says "An Unexpected Error Occored") so I can put it on my computer, and then finaly upload it to newgrounds.

Posted by EhoNo1 - August 30th, 2011

My first ever picture posted! I Edited a picture along time ago. I'm going to make a swirl profile picure soon.

Posted by EhoNo1 - August 30th, 2011

Ok, just so you know . . . MY PROFILE PIC IS NOT MINE!!! It displays my intrests and humor, I will only use it untill I find a better one.

Mah Pic

Posted by EhoNo1 - August 30th, 2011

I'm new to newgrounds, and I'm just getting the hang of things. I probably won't post anything for a day or two, plus I've tried the game creator once before and I didn't get anything. Even though i'm learning how to script on ROBLOX, I still suck at it. I'll only post art, not animations, unless I figure out how the hell to work it. So . . . . I guess just see you around! Bye!